Thursday, September 22, 2016

What is smart with "Google Allo"?

One more app into the market from Google. Can google be always smart? Does Google get success with every app? Well I am not sure.

Here is what I found with Google Allo - A Smart Messaging App.

Google Allo, a new smart messaging app for Android and iOS that helps you say more and do more right in your chats. Google Allo can help you make plans, find information, and express yourself more easily in chat. And the more you use it, the more it improves over time.
We are living in the world of smart devices which are helping us getting the work done in a smarter way. We do shopping, reading, health care what not , every possible thing. Well among those, most widely used applications are "Messengers".

Messengers are the smart approach we choose to stay connected with friends. We do plan parties, catching up with loved one and for many more, we rely on Messengers.

Are the Messengers are smart enough? 
This could be the question Google worked on, to introduce us a new messenger called "Google Allo". Google call it as Smart Messenger.

What is Smart with Allo? 

You might be interested in a conversations to carry on with your loved once as long as possible. But too often you have to hit pause on your conversations -whether it could be for planning a day out, flight status, or lookup new restaurants.

So, Google Allo helps you keep your conversations going without a pause, by providing assistance when you needed. This is being implemented with a service called Google Assistance.

  Features of Google Allo: 

SmartReply.gif (600×934)Smart Reply: It is same like auto suggestion we get in Google search engine. Allo makes it easier to respond quickly to your frnds by suggesting the all the possible responses you can give.

With Smart Reply, you can respond to messages with just a tap, so you can send a quick “yup” in response to a friend asking “Are you on your way?” Smart Reply will also suggest responses for photos. If your friend sends you a photo of their pet, you might see Smart Reply suggestions like “aww cute!” And whether you’re a “haha” or “😂” kind of person, Smart Reply will improve over time and adjust to your style.

So, Allo will record your style of responding to others and will suggest accordingly. Like, I have a habit of typing "Hmmmm" which will be recorded by google and suggest you every possible time to reduce your key strokes.    Yes it is smart. So, Allo is reading your style of conversations :-P

Google Assistant

With your Assistant in Allo, you can have a conversation with Google — ask it questions and let it help you get things done directly in your chats. You no longer need to leave a conversation with friends just to grab an address, share your favorite YouTube video, or pick a dinner spot. Just type @google to bring your Assistant into any group chat. And of course, you can also chat one-one-one with your Assistant in Allo.

Here are just a few ways Google Assistant can help in Google Allo:

Make plans with friends. You can easily move from discussing dinner with friends to making plans for the night, right in your chat. Just add the Assistant to your group chat and ask for movie times, local restaurants and more. You can also research travel destinations, flights and hotels together with friends.

Get answers. Get the latest info on everything from news, weather, traffic, sports, or your upcoming flights status. Ask the Assistant to send you daily updates on the information you care about.

Have some fun. Ask your Assistant to share that funny YouTube video or play games with friends right in your group chat — for instance you can compete to guess a movie title based on a series of emojis.

Chat in Incognito mode
Its all about privacy and security which all needed. As per google, all chats in Google Allo are encrypted using industry standard technologies like Transport Layer Security (TLS). But google went extra mile with an option called Incognito . When you chat in Incognito mode, messages have end-to-end encryption and additional privacy features like discreet notifications and message expiration. You can set expiration time for the messages you send. Post the expiration time, message will not be available in the chat window. you can also change the expiration time for each line before you time.

I found this quite impressive than other messengers I use. This is only my view. Please share your thoughts about the application in the comments.

Sources: Google Blogs. 
Disclaimer: Intention of this post is not to promote any brand. This is just to share what I found amazing. 

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Gadget to stay connected during outdoor adventures.

You are happy, joyous and strong enough as long as people are arround you and knowing the path you have choosen while doing outdoor adventures.

What if you lost the track and stucked alone in jungle.?

How about connecting/communicating with people when you are lost in a deep jungle with no network coverage area?

If I were you, Yes, I am nervous. I want to go back to the group where I came from. I want to join back the party being with friends, humming together, fighting for a snack and what not, everything. Yes, I want my fun back.

 But how?    Hahaha, this is just a situation came into my mind while exploring google about latest technology gadgets.

GoTenna is the gadget what I found and want to share with you. The beauty of this gadget is creating your own network with a limited range to communicate with your peers. It is like a modern walkie-talkie, keeps your smartphone in touch with friends and family nearby even where there's no wireless coverage. going to much details....

What is GoTenna?
GoTenna is a system that creates a wireless network that lets you send text messages along with your location between mobile phones, when there is no network coverage. You can also view offline maps.  This is not a replacement for your regular cellular network to use it for phone or going online.

It uses radio (cognitive digital radio) to create a local network with a range of up to four miles and automatically co-ordinates with other GoTenna devices which are within range . The radio and antenna is packed into a small, water -resistant and rugged device that can easily clip to your backpack.

Much more details can be found at .

Disclaimer: This intention of this post is not to promote any brand. This is just to share what I found amazing.